US Patent Submitted – Patent Pending

Columbus, Ohio: Further collaborating their unique approach to helping clients, Windfall Funding, LLC, in association with their attorneys Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP, announce their intellectual property used as the foundation for assisting clients achieve their fundraising goals is patent pending.

The Windfall Funding methodology approaches fundraising from multiple perspectives, not losing focus on the need to enhance existing donors and source new donors, while making the opportunity for each focus to occur more consistently and at greater financial levels for the non-profit.  Their multi-faceted approach goes beyond the standard approaches commonly used by organizations today needing to raise money.

Mike Orbovich, President of Windfall Funding LLC, stated today: “We are very excited today regarding the news surrounding our patent pending status. The culmination of nearly two decades of work perfecting our model, devoting our time and resources to ensure the best possible outcomes for our clients has been validated and transformed into a new innovated fundraising methodology that will be unparalleled in the fundraising industry.”